Training & Course Solutions

As a company that provides innovative solutions in the aviation industry, KEYVAN Aviation recognises the importance of providing training and is committed to ensuring it provides measurable results. KEYVAN Aviation offers online and classroom training options. Arrangements may also be made for on-site training of any available standard course. Enjoy instant access to engaging courses on Aviation related subjects with the added ability to choose specific topics of interest. Interactive practices and instructional videos are included in the course and offer you flexibility, together with saving you time and money.

KEYVAN Aviation’s Training department provides various training courses in the Global regulation and standards required for ATM/ANS and aeronautical information and data analytics to support different participants’ needs, backgrounds, and required subjects in the airspace industry. The training department is ready to offer standards and tailor-made training solutions to fit organisation requirements. KEYVAN Aviation is certified by EASA as a Type 1 DAT provider and, by providing highly specialised training courses, supports the aviation community in implementing the processof aeronautical information and related products digitalisation. KEYVAN Aviation supported the training system by implementing the required training criteria based on the EU regulations and supported by ISO 9001 quality management system.

Training & Course Solutions

ACI’s Training Partner

On May 15, 2023, Keyvan Aviation received certification as an ACI World Training Partner, allowing Keyvan to deliver worldwide training programs with ACI-Keyvan certificates acceptable globally for airports, ATM/ANS , authority, and stakeholders under the ACI Training Program.
ACI (Airports Council International) is the only international organisation representing the global airport community. It sets operational standards and best practices for efficient airport operations. The ACI Accredited TrainingPartner program recognises training organisations.


We are ready to offer below courses :
– ARINC 424 Training

Understanding the ARINC 424 standard , database features , coding method and implementation method.

– DO-200 Training (ED-76A Training)

All about RTCA DO-200B or EUROCAE ED-76A , requirements , planning and implementation phases for successful audit.

– DO-201 Training (ED-77 Training)

– All about RTCA DO-201 or EUROCAE ED-77 , requirements , planning and implementation plan and adjustment to the processing plan.

– EU Regulation 2017/373 understanding and implementation .

– Flight Procedures Coding .

Training & Course Solutions

Contact our training department to get a list of available courses with reference to your needs.