KEYVAN Aviation offering a wide range of Managements solution to the aviation industry to reduce the operation cost and improve the performance and customer satisfaction.

Data visualization solution help Airports management to see (all-in-one) screen all gates , runway , SID , STAR , Approach procedures in 3D format and all navigation and communication facilities. The data generated form KEYVAN Aviation Aeronautical and Navigation Database including with hourly bases NOTAM updates automatically update in the different layer of the 3D map. KEYVAN Aviation present Airport movement data in the same map to facilitate the decision making on a different scenarios and log all the details to analyses the waiting times due to NOTAM issuance , and benefit of new SID , STAR and Approach procedures. Having this information will help the Airport Management to make better decision on surface movement arrangements and required procedure designs. Less waiting times for airplanes and reduce carbon emissions and enable more efficient operations and finally safer world and happy passengers . 

KEYVAN Aviation offering new Airport Performance Measurement & Management Tools (APMMT) ,  to help airports and authority’s decision makers to manage the airports procedures including with SID (Standard Instrument Departure ) and Approach usage and effectiveness performance together with ground movement performance and time table including with Runways , Taxiways and Gates usage and occupation monitoring. The main aim of the tool is to help decision makers to design and implement the better airports procedures and ground movement scenarios to help airlines and operators to reduce the waiting time in ground or in the air and by reducing the operation time , less operational cost and reduce the carbon emission. Using the effective Approach procedure and nearest runway to the best potential gate will decrees the Airways to Gate travel time and definitely cost and CO2. System designed to monitor all arrival started from entering to any Approach procedure (exiting from Airways) up to Gate parking and form the Gate Parking to the first Airways point by capturing and monitoring the used SID procedure.


The APMMT is enable to generate the 2D and 3D maps by using the content of the Aeronautical and Navigation database for all records including with Airways , Procedures , Navaid location and data , Gates location and data , restricted and controlled airspace , holding patterns ,… the generated visuals will be presented on the original map of the software or exported to any outside GIS map capable tools. Each Gate location can include with the required explanation and facilities details like Fuel , Power , Air-condition and customer required data.  Ability to add NOTAMs to the visual map is the important feature of the tools. 


APMMT is the KEYVAN Aviation innovation programme for transforming aviation data usage towards a sustainable and climate neutral future. Pulling together different format of the data and the capability of the team and developing cutting-edge technologies, and making these available for a transformational leap in aircraft performance in the 2030s, and the way towards the EU’s ambition of climate neutrality by 2050. As an aviation company, KEYVAN Aviation pushes aeronautical science beyond the limits of imagination by creating new software and technologies that will significantly reduce the operating cost and save more time for the operators and passengers and reduce aviation’s impact on the planet, enabling future generations to enjoy the social and economic benefits of air travel and grow the aviation industry.

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